Contact Us 704 .527. 7907 | Hours by appointment Monday through Friday

Barbara Thomas,


M.Div., M.S.O.D

NCFBPPC-NC Certified Pastoral Counselor, Certified Coach, Certificate in Motivational Interviewing

Life is hard….It is also full of joyful possibilities. There are times when our feelings get the best of us. We are sad, anxious, overwhelmed or feel stuck. Familiar patterns of emotional and thoughtful responses can keep us from living our best life.

As a therapist, it is my greatest joy to walk with you as you uncover a new pathway through old emotions and behaviors to discover your strengths. With over 20 years of experience as a pastoral psychotherapist, I know that a fully lived life includes emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental well-being. We will work together to create healing and wholeness. I welcome individuals, couples, and families who seek a new way of understanding and living. I will work to explore strategies that can create your best life.  For those in a relationship with someone struggling with addiction, I offer a safe, supportive space for recovery.

As a coach, I look forward to working with you to identify your strengths, patterns of success, and new behaviors that lead to greater accomplishments and satisfaction at work and in life. Career and employment are crucial components of our identity, self-esteem, and sense of competency. There are times when we feel stuck and need new skills to manage a new position or to manage change. Through assessments and strengths-based questions, we will uncover your leadership potential, your creative energy, and the path to creating your best life.